Tag: guide

Bologna, Italy

Despite the 15 months that I have already spent in Bologna, I have not yet acclimated to the striking allure of this historic Italian city. The photos in this gallery are snapshots that I have taken over the months at moments when the beauty of the city has truly struck me. Which is often. As you are about to see, Bologna is truly a land of extremes with its signature portici adorning nearly every street in the historic center, and many of the walls behind the portici laden with graffiti. A stroll through its wealthy neighborhoods can feel almost like a walk through a fairy tale, while a stroll down via Zamboni in the heart of the student community is a reminder of the sometimes radical political roots grown in Bologna.
Bologna may be my home away from home, but I dare say that these moments when I drop everything just to take a picture will never stop. I hope you enjoy them even a bit as much as I have…
Gallery preview of my favorite Bologna photographs:

Best of Bologna, a set on Flickr.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bologna,+Italy&aq=0&oq=Bologn&sll=53.344104,-6.267494&sspn=0.227103,0.523224&g=Dublin,+Ireland&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bologna+Province+of+Bologna,+Emilia-Romagna,+Italy&ll=44.49419,11.346518&spn=2.170844,4.185791&t=m&z=8&output=embed&w=370&h=200]